# Linters

The boilerplate provides a couple of linters to help you keep an eye on code consistency and type safety. There are three linters: one for CSS, one for TypeScript and one for type safety. You can use each of them separately using the following commands:

With npm

$ npm run lint:css
$ npm run lint:ts
$ npm run lint:types

With yarn

$ yarn lint:css
$ yarn lint:ts
$ yarn lint:types

TIP: To get the most out of your linters install the corresponding (Stylelint, TSLint) plugins for your editor or IDE

# Prettier

Prettier helps you to enforce consistent (opinionated) code style. If possible, you can tell your editor to format you code when you save a file. If you are not able to do this, you can run prettier manually using:

With npm

$ npm run prettier

With yarn

$ yarn prettier